Canning River Regional Park

Canning River Regional Park

Kent Street Weir
Type Regional park
Location Perth, Western Australia
Area 266 ha (660 acres)

The Canning River Regional Park is the largest of eight Regional Parks within the Perth metropolitan area. The park covers approximately 6 km of the Canning River between Nicholson Rd and Shelley Bridge (Leach Hwy).[1] Canning River is a major tributary of the Swan River in south western Western Australia.



Aboriginal History

At the time of European settlement, the Swan and Canning basins supported a population of Australian Aborigines. At least six family groups are thought to have claimed territorial rights to the land which is now the metropolitan area.[2]

European and Asian History

The regional park encompasses an area which was once a significant river system and transport route during the colonisation of Perth. Primarily to transport logs from further south to the Swan River then Perth, Western Australia.

Over the years land use in the area included farms, orchids, brickworks, market gardens, a timber mill, recreation and a Sikh cremation site. More recently parts have been used for rubbish disposal, a museum and stock-holding area. [3][4]


Canning River Regional Park sits upon Bassendean sands.[5] The following significant flora have been identified in the previous 5 years:

Shrubs and Bushes

Common Name Scientific Name Introduced Endangered


Common Name Scientific Name Introduced Endangered

Water Plants

Common Name Scientific Name Introduced Endangered


Common Name Scientific Name Introduced Endangered


The park and river is home to much wildlife including, pelicans, swans and many other bird species. The following significant fauna have been spotted in the previous 5 years:


Common Name Scientific Name Introduced Endangered
Australasian Darter Anhinga novaehollandiae
Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae
Australasian Shoveler Anas rhynchotis
Australian (Clamorous) Reed-Warbler
Australian Hobby
Australian Magpie
Australian Pelican
Australian Raven
Australian Ringneck
Australian Shelduck
Australian White Ibis
Australian Wood Duck
Barn Owl
Black Duck Hybrid
Black Swan
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
Black-fronted Dotterel
Black-shouldered Kite
Black-winged Stilt
Blue-billed Duck
Brown Goshawk
Brown Honeyeater
Buff-banded Rail
Carnaby's (Short-billed) Black Cockatoo x
Caspian Tern
Collared Sparrowhawk
Common Bronzewing
Common Greenshank
Corella species
Crested Tern
Domestic Duck
Dusky Moorhen
Eastern Great Egret
Eurasian Coot
Great Cormorant
Grey Butcherbird
Grey Fantail
Grey Teal
Hoary-headed Grebe
Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo
Inland Thornbill
Laughing Dove
Laughing Kookaburra x
Little Black Cormorant
Little Corella
Little Eagle
Little Grassbird
Little Pied Cormorant
Long-billed Corella
Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
Musk Duck
Nankeen Kestrel
Nankeen Night Heron
New Holland Honeyeater
Pacific Black Duck
Pink-eared Duck
Purple Swamphen
Rainbow Bee-eater
Rainbow Lorikeet x
Red Wattlebird
Red-capped Parrot
Red-necked Avocet
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo
Rock Dove
Rufous Whistler
Sacred Kingfisher
Shining Bronze Cuckoo
Short-billed Black Cockatoo
Silver Gull
Singing Honeyeater
Southern Boobook
Splendid Fairy-wren
Spotless Crake
Spotted Dove
Spotted Pardalote
Straw-necked Ibis
Striated Pardalote
Swamp Harrier
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater
Tree Martin
Variegated Fairy-wren
Welcome Swallow
Western (Little) Wattlebird
Western Corella
Western Gerygone
Western Spinebill
Western Thornbill
White-browed Scrubwren
White-faced Heron
White-tailed Black Cockatoo
White-winged Triller
Willie Wagtail
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Yellow-rumped Thornbill


Common Name Scientific Name Introduced Endangered


Common Name Scientific Name Introduced Endangered


Common Name Scientific Name Introduced Endangered

Facilities and Attractions

General Access

Access throughout the park is offered by either Dual Use Path or walk tracks, with the emphasis being on the enjoyment of the surrounding nature. The local council (City of Canning) and the Department of Environment And Conservation (DEC) are responsible for providing well designed recreation areas without detracting from the natural values of the Park.

Vehicle access is provided for formal parking or emergency services. The park may also be accessed by pedestrians, bicycles, boats, canoes and wheel chairs.

Unfortunately uncontrolled vehicle and pedestrian access has severely degraded some areas.

Kent Street Weir / Wilson Park

By far having the most developed parking, toilets, boat / canoe access and picnic facilities (including barbecues). There is also a "eco" center which houses historical and ecological information, as well as being the location for environmentally focussed educational activities. The river can also be crossed via the Kent St Weir Bridge, providing access to large areas of the Park. As at May 2009, the bridge was undergoing repair (but still open to pedestrians and cyclists).

On Foundation Day each year is an 'Open Day' at the park, with exhibits, children's activities, animals, guided walks in the regional park and 'Foundation Day' commemoration. Many of these activities are free for all to enjoy, and make a great family activity.

Castledare Miniature Railway

Have extensive facilities, including over 5 kilometers of track, railway station, signal box, turn table, storage sheds and workshops. There are toilets, a kiosk, and limited picnic facilities. "Run days" are usually on the first Sunday of the month and during school holidays.

Mason's Landing

Have toilets, boat / canoe access and playground equipment and picnic facilities, parallel parking is provided along Duff Rd.

Riverton Bridge Reserve

Formal parking, kiosk, toilets, boat / canoe access and picnic facilities are provided here.

Ferndale Flats

Formal car park and open space are provided here.

Greenfield Bridge Area

Formal parking is provided here.

Adenia Reserve

Is a large parkland area, no formal parking areas are provided but there is ample room to park on Adenia Road. It is close to the Conservation Areas.

Maintenance and Conservation

Both City of Canning and DEC are responsible for sections of the park, and are responsible for maintaining the facilities and infrastructure in the area.

In order to maintain and restore the environmental values of the park, activities including weeding and revegetation (and hand watering during summer) not only carried out by paid labour, but by volunteer groups. Much of the work done in the park is by the Canning River Regional Park Volunteers consisting mostly of locals of all ages. The volunteer group's aims are to promote the Canning River Regional Park as a place of conservation and passive recreation, and to carry out activities which enhance the natural values of the area.[6][7]

Many projects are ongoing to transform the degraded sections of the park by the reintroduction of native species and providing public access in a safe and sustainable manner. Where necessary, funding for materials is often obtained through community grants from organisations such as Lotterywest, as well as corporate programs such as Alcoa.


The Canning River Regional Park is often attacked by arsonists; these attacks have become a growing problem not just for the park itself but the whole of Perth. The Arson Reward Scheme by the Arson Task Force offers informants rewards of up to $25,000 for information leading to the conviction of arsonists.[8]

See also


  1. ^ Department of Environment and Conservation, Canning River Regional Park
  2. ^ Richards, O. (1991) "Canning River Regional Park Historical Survey"
  3. ^ Agar, P. (2008) "End to End, A Year in the Canning River Regional Park"
  4. ^ Department of Conservation and Land Management (2007), Canning River Regional Park Management Plan No. 36, 1997-2007
  5. ^ Agriculture Western Australia, Soils of the Swan Coastal Plain
  6. ^ SERCUL Canning River Regional Park Volunteers (CRRPV), CRRP Volunteers
  7. ^ Canning River Regional Park Volunteers, Official CRRP Volunteers Website
  8. ^ Government Media Office, Ministerial Arson in Perth's southern suburbs highlighted in discussion paper